“锦绣”牌防酸碱面料,适合制作长期接触酸液或碱液的作业人员穿用的防护服。用该面料制作的防护服,具有耐酸渗透时间长、耐酸压高且浸酸强力下降率低等良好的防酸性能。对从业人员有很好的保护功能,该面料性能符合GB12012-89防酸工作服要求。 Anti-acid&alkali Fabric Anti-acid & alkali fabric is suitable for workers who often contact acid and alkaline. The work clothing made of this fabric has the penetrate of acid for a long time, high resistance of acid, high resistance of acid pssure, low strength lose while soaked in acid, so that it can provide excellent protection to the workers. This fabric meets the requirement of National Standard GB 12012-89.
公司其他供应信息 | 供应防酸碱面料