【厂家直供】优质锉 什锦锉锉刀 齐头扁锉钢锉 特窄型三角锉 产品详情 系列产品 产品特性 锉刀Files 锉刀长度通常指从锉梢端至锉肩长度,特别说明的除外 锉刀长度的选择:根据工件材料和尺寸的大小,以及希望的锉削行程选择锉刀长度 Length IS measured exclusive of tang,from point to heel,unlesss pecified otherwise Desired stroke length,type of material and size will determine length required 单锉纹Single-cut 由一组单向、平行的锉齿构成 进行锉削所需压力较小,通常用于表面质量要求高的工件,或锉削刀、剪、 锯的刃口 Single set of parallel,diagonal rows of teeth Single—cut files are often used with light pssureto produce a smooth surface finesh or to put a keen edge on knives,shears Or saws. 双锉纹Double-cut 由两组交叉的锉纹构成 主锉纹起主要锉削作用,主锉纹覆盖辅锉纹 两组锉纹的方向相反,锉纹斜角不同 进行锉削所需压力较大,锉削材料的速度快 2 sets of diagonal rows of teeth Second set of teeth cut in opposite diagonal direction and on top of the first set First set of teeth is known as the overcut,second is known as Upcut is finer than overcut Double—cut file is used with heavier pssure than the singIe—cut and removes material faster from the workpiece 铝锉Curved teeth 锉纹由圆弧构成 通常用于汽车车身锉削,能保证锉削表面非常光滑 Teeth arranged in curved contours across the file face Curved—cut fiIe is normally used in automotive body shops for smoothing body panels 锉刀使用指南 锉刀的选择 THE CHOICE OF THE FILE 粗齿锉刀主要用于锉削软金属,加工余量过大,精度等级低和表面光洁度低的工件,细齿则相反, 中齿则介于两者之间; Bastard files are used for soft. 新锉刀的锉齿比较锐利,适合锉软金属,新锉刀使用一段时间后,再锉硬金属则效果较好。 New file’S teeth are hard,SO just use it to work some soft piece before to file hard ones. 淬火材料及高硬度表面的工件,须用砂轮磨削或磨去坚硬表面后,才可用中齿或细齿锉削; Quenching material and workpieces with high hardness of the surface require a hard surface grinding or refining,midtooth or with fine tooth file before cutting and chopping. 选择带有符合人体工学手柄的锉刀可以使锉削工作更轻松,更; Right handle will make files work easier. 锉刀的使用 THE USING OF THE FILE 使用锉刀前应除去锉身上的防锈油;由于锉刀是用高碳钢制成,硬度很高但比较脆,所以不 能用 锉刀敲击硬物,也不能用敲击的方法去除锉刀上的屑末,否则会使锉刀折断; As the file is made of high—carbon steel,high hardness but more brittle,please do not hit files with a hard object,don,t tuck the file to removethe debris also, otherwise the file would be broken. 锉削时要经常用钢丝刷顺着锉纹方向刷去屑末,否刚会造成锉削能力下降,并可能使工件表面达 不到光洁的效果: When chopping to use wire brush antidand ruff along the direction of the late filing profile frequently,otherwise it will weaken sharp of the file.They may also fail to smooth the workpiece surface effects 锉削时平稳推行,速度不宜过快,在锉削时两手压力大小应随锉刀两端伸出工件的长度变化、使 锉刀两端的压力对工件中心的压力始终保持平衡,锉刀前后摇摆容易产生平面中凸现象; Do not files too fast and make the file work in a stable and balance position 防止锉刀从高处坠落,这样很容易使锉刀断裂,并且会危及到人身的安全。 Prevent the file falls from high position.It will break the files and can be dangerous. 锉刀的保存 THE PRESERVE OF THE FILE 锉刀要避免沾水,沾油或其他脏物,以免生锈或打滑,影响锉削效果; Avoid file be soddened,being blotted by OiI or by botty,it can make files rust andsmooth and decrease its working ability. 锉刀不可重叠或者和其他坚硬的工具堆放在一块,这样会损害表面锉齿。 Do not overlap files with other hard objects,it will break the teeth of the files 公司简介 河北省锐鑫钢锉有限公司是一家专业生产钢锉的厂家。经过十多年发展壮大,公司拥有一批素质 优良的研发人员,以传统的生产工艺和现代的专业生产设备,完善的检测设备相结合,打造的“金峰” 牌:钳工锉、锯锉、铝工锉、钢木锉、木锉、什锦锉、带柄套锉和各种专用非标锉等。以“稳定可靠 的质量、卓越的信誉和完善的服务”深得新老客户的信赖,公司的产品始终以市场为导向,近年的产 品80%出口,远销欧美、非洲、东南亚和俄罗斯等十几个国家。“质量,用户至上”是金峰人永远 不懈的追求。竭诚欢迎海内外客商洽谈合作,让我们一起携手共创美好明天...... Hebei Ruixin Steel File Co., Ltd is a professional manufacture file company.It has produced file more than ten years. My company has a group of professional R&D staff and advanced equipments and testing technology. We have advanced production lines and testing equipment which based on innovating traditional file manufacturing process. Our products JinFeng file include fitter filing, saw filing, steel rasp, wood rasp, needle file, shank sleeve file and every kind of non-standard file. Our high quality products and perfect service won the trust of new and old customers. In recent years, 80 percent of products have been exported to many countries,such as Europe, America, Africa,Southeast Asia and Russia etc.. ";Quality first, users first"; is the Jinfeng eternal principle.Welcome all customers to discuss cooperation, let us work together for our better tomorrow. 企业厂景 企业活动-参加国际展销会 产品生产工艺流程图 产品生产设备 产品半成品/成品 属性 : 出口俄罗斯、南美、东南亚 ; 包装方式 : 挂袋、塑料盒、包装箱 ; LOGO : OEM ; 规格 : 3*140*10(把),4*160*10(把),5*180*10(把) ; 用途 : 木工 ; 宽/厚/直径 : 200*60*5(mm) ; 锉纹 : 双纹 ; 锉齿粗细 : 中齿 ; 锉身长度 : 200mm(mm) ; 横截面形状 : 扁(平)形 ; 锉纹号 : 2 ; 材质 : 钢 ; 加工定制 : 是 ; 类型 : 什锦 ; 型号 : 111 ; : 金锋 ;
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