设备特点:Features systems
Cooking pot has steam heating or electric heating two heating methods, there is single-layer and interlayer structure. Cooking pot with automatic temperature control system and specially designed to ensure uniform temperature 免费信息ponents. Wide stainless steel handle interlayer insulation structure, liner material thick, rigid, and less heat loss, are the first choice for cooking and meat processing equipment. (The device also applies to pickled vegetables, pickles, low temperature meat products, such as low temperature to bacteria).
| 巴氏杀菌机
| 巴氏杀菌流水线
| 强流风干机
| 鲜玉米除水风干机
| 食品输送带
| 提升式输送设备
| 轮换式压榨机
| 单筒式压榨机
| 风干机
| 蒸煮锅
| 真空搅拌机
| 毛发去杂机
| DZL-800/2S型全自动连续包装机
| 真空充氮包装机
| 滚桶式分级机
| DZL-1000型(B型)全自动连续包装机
| DZL-600/4S型全自动连续包装机
| 倾斜可调式真空包装机
| 外抽式真空包装机
| DZL-400/2L型真空包装机
| 单式可调式包装机
| 蔬菜水果清洗机