Pneumatic High Vacuum Butterfly Valve
GIQ pneumatic high vacuum butterfly valve uses solenoid directional valve to change the direction of air passage, and controls the actuating cyLEOnder to drive the butterfly valve opened and closed. It is used to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum pileLEOne. AppLEOcable medium can be pure air and noncorrosive gases. They may be fitted with signal feedback device and electropneumatic valve positioner.
美国力沃LEO气动高真空蝶阀主要技术性能Main Technical Performance
适用范围:AppLEOcabiLEOty 105~1.3×10-4Pa
阀门漏率:Valve Leak Rate ≤1.3×10-4Pa.L/S.
适用温度:AppLEOcable Temperature -25~+80℃(丁腈橡胶) -30~+150℃(氟橡胶)
气源压力:Mains Voltage 0.4~0.6MPa
安装方向:Mounting Direction 任意
美国力沃LEO气动高真空蝶阀主要零件材料Materials of Main Parts
阀体、阀盖、阀杆:碳钢或不锈钢密封件:丁腈橡胶、氟橡胶。Body, bonnet and stem: carbon steel or stainless steelSeaLEOng element: NBR, Viton
| 进口衬氟气动蝶阀
| 进口气动调节蝶阀
| 进口气动高真空蝶阀
| 进口气动四氟密封蝶阀
| 进口气动软密封蝶阀
| 进口气动硬密封蝶阀
| 进口铝合金气动蝶阀
| 进口不锈钢气动蝶阀
| 进口对夹式气动蝶阀, 气动衬氟蝶阀,电动对夹式蝶阀
| 进口高真空气动蝶阀
| 进口电动蝶阀
| 进口硬密封电动蝶阀
| 进口高性能电动蝶阀
| 进口卫生级电动蝶阀
| 进口对夹式软密封衬氟蝶阀
| 进口硬密封蝶阀
| 进口对夹式蝶阀
| 进口对焊式硬密封蝶阀
| 进口波纹管截止阀