- 产品品牌:IFANCA
IFANCA于1982年在美国伊利诺依州成立IFANCA(The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America)是美国伊斯兰食品和营养协会简称,它是一个非盈利的教育性的伊斯兰组织,致力于在全球推广伊斯兰食品和营养。 · IFANCA在全球20多个国家进行过食品生产的HALAL认证;· 经IFANCA认证的HALAL产品几乎在世界上每个国家都有销售;· 经IFANCA认证的产品涉及到了所有的食品行业;· IFANCA为食用肉类和家禽的屠宰提供HALAL认证和审核服务;· IFANCA对化妆品、包装材料和化学品进行HALAL认证;The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA) is a non-profit Islamic organization dedicated to promote halal food and nutrition.· IFANCA certifies halal food production in over 20 countries around the globe. · IFANCA certifies halal food production in over 20 countries around the globe.· IFANCA-certified halal products are sold in nearly every country of the world.· IFANCA certifies halal products in all food industries.· IFANCA provides halal certification and supervision services for meat & poultry slaughter.· IFANCA certifies halal cosmetics, packaging materials and chemicals.