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单价: 1.48
品牌: 飞凌单片机
销量: 累计出售 0 件,0 个订单
评价: 已有 0 条评价
库存: 还剩 500000
人气: 已有 158 人关注
更新: 2016-12-15
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 FM8PU83M Overview: 
The FM8PU83M is optimum from FM8PU83S product. 
FM8PU83M enhance PS2 mode and I/O voltage support to 1.8V~5.5V 
FM8PU83M functional and coding is 免费信息patible to FM8PU83S. 
FM8PU83M c onfiguration option table, please reference page-6. 
Support Full-Speed and Low-Speed USB 1.1 specification. 
Built-in USB Transceiver and 3.3V regulator. 
Support USB Suspend and Resume function. 
One Control IN/OUT, three INT (IN/OUT) /Bulk (IN/OUT) endpoints. 
Support PS2 免费信息patible interface share with USB interface. 
192 bytes internal SRAM. 
4K x 14 internal program OTP-ROM 
8-bit RISC CPU core. 
Support Master/Slave SPI serial 免费信息munication Interface. 
Support up to three user configured endpoints. 
Up to three 64-byte data endpoints (EP0, EP1, EP2, EP3). 
Internal Clock  Generator 
0.25% Accuracy. 
Supply 24MHz or 16MHz or 12MHz clock output. 
General-purpose programmable-level IO interface. 
5V power supply only; GPIO support 1.8V~5.5V interface. 
Supply 3.3V voltage. 
Support SSC to reduce EMI. 

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